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TOP > Staying the Course: A Runner's Toughest Race【楽天海外直送】【英語の本】【洋書】

Staying the Course: A Runner's Toughest Race【楽天海外直送】【英語の本】【洋書】

Staying the Course: A Runner's Toughest RaceFor a moment Dick Beardsley became the most famous runner in the world by losing a race. In the 1982 Boston Marathon, Beardsley, foiled by a motorcycle that cut him off, finished two seconds behind Alberto Salazar in one of the most memorable contests in marathon history. Staying the Course recounts that race and the difficult years that followed, including his recovery from a near-fatal farm accident, his subsequent addiction to painkillers, and a public arrest for forging prescriptions. His story of overcoming obstacles speaks to anyone who loves competition, who has survived catastrophe, or who has pursued a seemingly impossible goal.Dimensions: 22.81 x 15.75 x 1.73 centimetres (0.26 kg)瞬く間にDick Beardsleyはレースを失って世界で最も有名なランナーになりました。




寸法:22.81 x 15.75 x 1.73センチメートル(0.26 kg)------------------------------------ 当店は、アメリカ カリフォルニアを本店とする海外ショップです。



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