The Brain Power Cookbook: More Than 200 Recipes to Energize Your Thinking, Boost Your Mood, and Sharpen Your Memory【楽天海外直送】【英語の本】【洋書】
The Brain Power Cookbook: More Than 200 Recipes to Energize Your Thinking, Boost Your Mood, and Sharpen Your MemoryFood has the power to heal the brain. Now more than ever, we know that the chemical components in what we eat have powerful effects on the way our minds work, and that good nutrition is valuable for treating problems from cancer to depression. But how can we use this information to help us prepare actual meals? "The Brain Power Cookbook" has the answers. In this essential guide, Dr Frank Lawlis and nutritionist Dr Maggie Greenwood-Robinson have compiled over two hundred delicious recipes that can help your brain respond positively to all sorts of psychological challenges. Whether you want to build brain power, put an end to stress, expand your memory and concentration, or even boost intelligence, this book will show you how, featuring a hearty helping of great meal ideas designed to help you reach your goal. Each chapter tackles a different mental challenge, discusses which types of food have the most benefits, and then offers a full complement of recipes - from main courses to side dishes, snacks to beverages, and even desserts - that incorporate these foods in mouth-watering and brain-boosting ways. Drawing on tastes and styles from around the world, "The Brain Power Cookbook" offers spice and variety as it shows you how to enhance your mental fitness. With these recipes in hand, you'll have all the ingredients you need to make your brain more efficient and maximise your success in work and life.Dimensions: 13.72 x 1.78 x 20.57 centimetres (0.25 kg)食べ物には脳を癒す力があります。
しかし、実際の食事を準備するために、この情報をどのように使用できますか? "The Brain Power Cookbook"には答えがあります。
この重要なガイドでは、Frank Lawlis博士と栄養学者Maggie Greenwood-Robinson博士が、あなたの脳が様々な心理的挑戦に積極的に反応するのに役立つ200以上の美味しいレシピを集めました。
世界各地の味やスタイルを描いた「The Brain Power Cookbook」は、あなたの精神的な健康を向上させる方法を示すので、スパイスとバラエティーを提供しています。
寸法:13.72 x 1.78 x 20.57センチメートル(0.25 kg)------------------------------------ 当店は、アメリカ カリフォルニアを本店とする海外ショップです。
「伝票番号の追跡サイトへの反映には10日程度かかります」 当店のカード決済代行会社は Rakuten Commerce LLC です。
- 商品価格:3,064円
- レビュー件数:0件
- レビュー平均:0.0(5点満点)
コミック 関連ツイート
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